<!DESCRIPTION>This script allows you to conditionally apply two different style sheets to your page depending on whether the user's Operating System is Mac or PC (default). Designers will tell you Mac renders certain elements of a webpage differently than PC (ie: font sizes), so this script can be used to overcome this inconsistency. The style sheet to load can either be two global inline styles or external CSS files.
<!CATEGORY>text animations<!/CATEGORY>
<script type="text/javascript">
* Different CSS depending on OS (mac/pc)- ⌐ Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com)
* This notice must stay intact for use
* Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code
var csstype="inline" //Specify type of CSS to use. "Inline" or "external"
var mac_css='body{font-size: 14pt; }' //if "inline", specify mac css here
var pc_css='body{font-size: 12pt; }' //if "inline", specify PC/default css here
var mac_externalcss='/style/macstyle.css' //if "external", specify Mac css file here
var pc_externalcss='/style/pcstyle.css' //if "external", specify PC/default css file here
///////No need to edit beyond here////////////
var mactest=navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac")!=-1